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Friday, July 8, 2011

I love crockpots almost as much as the weekend

This weekend I plan on doing as much NOTHING as humanly possible.

This morning started off like every friday morning, I hit snooze 3 times.  Then I remembered that I have 3 extra things to do before leaving for work (snooze was a bad idea)...needless to say I was slightly late. But thankfully traffic was nonexistent so my normal LONG drive was about 10 minutes shorter more reasonable (a nice little start to the weekend). 

Today I promised Brent pulled pork for dinner.  I attribute his addiction to it to our trip to Florida and Christime's amazing pulled pork that she made.  I believe it was the size of my head before she started. I will not be making that much since it is just for the two of us.  And I talked him in to letting me make roasted broccoli as the side (and baked beans).  What a delicious summer meal. 

I want to add the picture of Christine
and I holding the pork together,
But my computer is not working
correctly (SHOCKER).  I will add
it in this space later for you to enjoy!

My recipie for it was so easy...

1.5 lbs. pork loin
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 large onion
3/4 cup BBQ sauce
1/2 cup light beer

Cook in crockpot for 8-9 hours on low.  This is why I love crockpots. 

Other than pulled pork sammys, my only other plans this weekend are do normal errands that I have put off for weeks, go see my little sisters swim meet, and hopefully lounge at the pool. All easy stuff!  Oh, and sleep in!

Quote of the day:

"I think our friday night is going to consist of going for a short jog and then hitting up the grocery store? LOL, POSS DATELINE, NOT SURE IF WE WILL HAVE ENOUGH TIME." -Ms. Shrout

And this my friends, is the perfect friday night after many weeks months of absolute craziness!

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