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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 5 (through 8)

I have been a bit of a slacker. To make up for it, I have 4 things for the Thankfulness Challenge.

1.) Saturday - I am thankful for some girl time and a manicure with my soon to be sister-in-law (so crazy to think I will have two SILs)! Sometimes just getting a $12 manicure can be so nice, especially when you get to chat while you wait.

2.) Sunday - I am thankful for family. All of it. Just in general. Seeing family, talking to family, and just knowing that they are your support system, no matter what.

3.) Monday - Yesterday, I saw one of the most horrific accidents I have ever seen on the way to work.  At that moment I realized how thankful we have to be to all of the emergency responders that help people everyday.  No matter how big or small an accident they always show up ready and willing to help.

4.) Today - Today is one of those days where I am thankful for something that I read.  As I was reading one of my favorite blogs today (She's Pregnant!) she did a new piece on rescuing animals.  It just made me think of all the good people do in the world that gets overlooked by all the bad in the news.  There is not going to be a news article about an average girl doing amazing things to save animals. But those people are out there, and we should be thanking them everyday.

What are you thankful for? Are you challenging yourself everyday to think of something?

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