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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bunnies vs. Teddy Bears

Last weekend I did my grocery shopping at whole foods for the first time (and I fell in love). I will definitely be heading back very soon. Anyways...while I was there I picked up some Annies Bunnies which on the box looked remarkably like teddy grahams. I picked the chocolate chip variety...because second to things that are completely chocolate that is my favorite. The first time I broke into the box to have a serving was today, and I was disappointed. I usually love Annies products but to me these were not very good. Kind of like chocolate chip cardboard. Don't get wrong...I ate the entire serving, it was my sweet with lunch. But I would have much rather had my old childhood standby.

Please note that while googling to find an image I found out that Annies bunnies were recently recalled for off odor in boxes with expiration dates up to July...thank goodness that isn't my box. I am a weirdo about food though and will probably promptly throw them away when I get home.

Now back to work to try not to think about smelly bunny cookies.

IPhone blogging...why not?

Goooooood morning :-)

I am having a super sleepy day today so when I lost my favorite morning show on the radio as I got closer to work (KANE SHOW) I start listening to soft rock sappy stuff :-)

Today my song of choice was Whitney (first name basis here) "I wanna dance with somebody". I love her. I mean how could you not? Yes, she has her issues but...her voice is amazing.

I have had such an urge to bake lately and just no time...so tonight I am going to crack down and do it. Baking has always been therapeutic for me and I have been in a funk of a mood this week so I think it is the perfect cure. What should I make??

Have a great Wednesday...we are almost halfway to the LONG weekend!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Changes in Life

Today I need to take a moment to discuss a topic that has been on my mind lately.  I feel like more within my 25th year than any before, life has been changing so quickly.  Many of my friends and aquantainces have gotten married and are starting to talk about having families (in the future).  Many have gone back to school for a nursing degree, or a masters.  Then there are those who are way far into a career already.  Friends are changing and some of those who I have been close to in the past I don't talk to as much, and I am starting to have my "adult" friends, even though I don't really feel like an adult sometimes.  When exactly does all of this start to suddenly happen? 

I have one friend who I have known for 12 years.  I can't even believe it when I type it.  We have literally watched each other grow up! We have helped each other through love and loss.  The year after high school we literally almost lived together.  We probably hung out 6 out of 7 days/nights a week.  We have had our moments in our friendship and a few years inbetween lost.  But through all that we have come through stronger than ever.  Now we talk again pretty much daily and hang out (with our significat others aka sigs as well sometimes) atleast once every few weeks.  I am so happy to know that she really is my life long friend. 

Then I have two friends that I met in high school.  One is married and one is in a serious relationship.  These two I don't talk to as often, and wish that we kept in better touch.  They were my girls, through my college years that I talked to all the time.  If we didn't talk for a few days or a week, we would spend hours on the phone one night just catching up on all lifes gossip.  When did it happen that we started talking once every few weeks, then once a month? I guess life happened, but I wish  it more often.  I wish that we got to see each other and have long gossip sessions more than every so often. Wine nights need to occur on a regular basis.  :-) We just need to better at making plans and sticking with them and not letting life get in the way.

Then I have my first adult friend that I met.  She and I met through my group of friends and now neither of us really stay in touch with that group anymore.  We happen to actually live pretty close together now and even though we have different work schedules we talk a few days a week.  We are not as good at getting together as we should be, but one day hopefully we will work and live the same general vacinity and get to take advantage of happy hours. 

Then I have my friends that I have met through my boyfriend.  I feel so fortunate that I came into the nicest group of girls that I could have asked for.  I have made many friends who I love to talk to and hang out with. Coming into a new group is always nervewracking and these girls and their sigs have always been so welcoming. I couldn't have asked for more. 

My nana always told me "make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, the other gold".  I think this is so accurate.  It is a life lesson everyone should know.  Friendship is a relationship.  You should not jump in at full speed, but when you know they are trustworthy and true then you commit. And hopefully if you are lucky, you will have them in your circle, in some way, no matter how much things change, for life!

I guess that what, through my rambling, I have figured out is that no matter if friends are new or old.  No matter what your relationship, they all have a special place in your life.  And you have to hold on to some tighter than others to keep in touch.  As long as that clench is going both ways, you are good to go :-)

 This picture has to make everyone smile!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wedding Love Fest

I love weddings. I love watching two people who are so in love have that moment in front of so many special people.  I love watching the grooms face as his beautiful bride walks down the aisle.  Usually, selfishly, I hope for a few tears. 

I love seeing what dress the bride picked.  This last weekend Laurie's was my favorite of any wedding I have been too and it look amazing on her. 

Walking into the ceremony and finally seeing the flowers picked and the little touches from the bride (and groom) is so exciting.

They had an awesome grooms cake (even though I am a redskins fan).

I love seeing friends that live in florida.  It's fun to travel, but it would be more fun if you never moved in the first place! ;-)

Our next trip is going to be out to Austin hopefully! I am curious about Texas.  As long as there is lots of country music I am happy. 

And I love spending the night dancing and having fun with the one I love :-)

What is your favorite part of a wedding?? Obviously I love it all!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I always forget something

Atleast it wasn't the tickets!

So, last night I saw two of my good friends at the teenie-bopper show a.k.a. Katy Perry (awesome concert, but much different than I expected). We were talking about blogging and reading blogs and my one friend said "what are you doing, you have hardly blogged in days?!?".  I know it is silly, because she is my friend, but it made me SO happy to know that someone is actually reading my randomness :-)  It made my night!

I wish there was a picture to add
right here but I forgot my camera
last night. :-(

Miss Katy Perry (Brandt) probably changed her dress atleast 20 times, some cute...some not so much.  She had little girls from the audience come up and dance on stage with her.  She had three guys come up and kissed them all on the cheek and she danced with a life size cat ("Kitty Purry").  All in all it was interesting to say the least.  ;-) I am glad that we went.  Time to plan for the next concert...Black Eyed Peas anyone?!?

I am now looking forward to the weekend! I can't wait to sleep in on Saturday. Over the past two nights I have had a total of around 11 hours of sleep.  Then I get to get a mani/pedi (thanks brent!) and we are going to a wedding.  I LOVE WEDDINGS.  I can't help myself.  They are always so pretty and everyone is so happy, you get to wear a pretty dress and dance.  And there is cake.  Which I always seems to miss out on for some reason.  I am going to make sure I get a piece on saturday! I always selfishly hope that it will be chocolate ;-)

Happy Friday Eve! I am kind of enjoying this cloudy, dreary day today.  Every once in awhile they aren't so bad.  It fits my super sleepy mood.  It would be a perfect day for a movie and a comfy couch!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011




I am just a little bit excited! ;-)

Me + 2 great friends + Katy Perry = A wonderful wednesday night!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bright Orange

This past weekend was everything I wanted and more :-)

Friday we headed up to Fredneck (aka Fredrick) for the Kleptoradio show.  If you havent seen them you definitely should, check out their schedule here and catch a show! They are awesome, and I am not just saying that because their drummer happens to be one of my Bff's finaces ;-) Anyways, the bar they played at this time was INTERESTING to say the least.  But we had lots of fun watching the dancers, they were very entertaining! Lets just say some glow rings made an appearance...we didn't know we were at a rave. 

Saturday Brent and I headed to a winery in Leesburg and Lansdowne to celebrate our two year anniversary! It was a perfect little weekend get away. I will do a complete run down of the winery and resort in a seperate post.  They were both beautiful!

On Sunday we hit the pool before we headed out and then stopped at the outlets on the way home.  Amazingly enough I did not find any clothes to buy.  My quote of the day was "I'm just not in love with it enough to own it".  Things were pretty but they didn't have the WOW factor.  I did get a bright orange ceramic loaf pan.  It might sound silly but I am so excited! I have wanted to make banana bread for weeks and now I have a pretty pan to make it in :-)  Crate and Barrell was closing that location so we got quite a few things at a great price! I think we walked out with 7 things for right around $60.  Amazing for that store!

Here is my pan :-)
Then we had italian takeout and I was asleep by 9:30 pm!  

Hope your weekend was wonderful too! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Except Data Entry

This HUGE A** stack of papers needs to be entered into the computer before I leave work today, hopefully within the next 2 hours and 18 minutes. 

Wish me luck and thoughts of happy things, like sunny skies, the beach, slurpees and new summer dresses :-)

Also, pray for me that my eyes don't cross and get stuck that way.  After entering 8 pages I feel like they are already diverting slightly closer to my nose...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I have been a BIT of a Bachelorette slacker this season.  I just can't get on the Ashley train. I try every week to watch the whole show and just never actually end up getting through the whole thing...until last night. OMG.  Between weirdos, assholes and JP (who doesn't love him) this season just took a turn for the more interesting. I will now devote my monday nights to see who Ashley picks to be her fiance.  I hope they last longer than Brad and Emily. 

First of all...the most hated man on television today...Bentley.  This just proves the point that if you tell a girl "do not fall for this guy" it means that she will fall harder than she ever has before.  I am pretty sure that every girl has had their heart stomped on in that situation.  Ashley, you are better than him, he is an ass, we all see it.  Move on to a nice guy (although I don't know if those have existed since Ryan on the bachelorette...Trista is a lucky woman). 

Next up...Mask Man.  I honestly did not know his real name until last night.  And the highlight for me is when Ashley stated "wow, he's a lot older than I thought".  Older?!? That is what you have a problem with.  What about the fact that he has worn a creeper mask since day one.  Thank goodness he went home.  You could tell she could have cared less, he hardly got a hug.  Then during the burning of the mask he says "I hope I am not alone forever".  Then, my suggestion, stop wearing a scary mask!

William...WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? Guys, NEVER ACTUALLY ROAST A GIRL. Yes, the date was for them to roast her and the other guys.  But hearing that you are part of the IBTC over and over again and then being told that it was diappointing that you were the bachelorette when everyone was expecting Emily (who is probably the most beautiful woman in the world) is not going to get you the group rose.  It is amazing that you are still on the show.  Good for you that Ashley seems to really like meanies, and that other guys are much odder on a daily basis than you.  In real life, that would not have worked out in your favor.  Get your act together William because (like the prince) you are pretty cute.

 Last, but certainly not least JP.  I personally believe that you are the only normal, nice, genuine guy on the bachelorette this season.  Please do not prove me wrong.  You are wonderful eye candy and every girls TV boyfriend for the next six weeks (even in those PJ pants that the producers dug up for you to wear).  Just keep on smiling and you will go far in this show. ;-)

Also, I loved Ashley's rose ceremony dress.  It was super funky.  Where can I get one of those?? :-)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Slightly Embarrassed

This weekend was the best...seriously.  Saturday was the most fun that I have had in a really long time.  It was beautiful outside, we were with great friends, and tasted lots of different wines (maybe too many).  My fave was named wine was called Slightly Embarrassed.  Which was also probably a perfect name for the day :-)

We tried on hats:

Took a wine jello shot:

Even the boys had fun!

The weather got a little iffy at the end but the rain (except for a few drops) held off for us! 
Look how cute these napkins are:

They say "Wine a little, you'll feel better".  So perfect! Thanks for the find Ash!

Other than that the weekend was spent sleeping and spending time with family! A perfect weekend indeed. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Blue Skies

Hi!! It's FRIDAY. My most favoritest day of the week :-)

Last weekend was the official unofficial start of summer.  I usually spend Memorial day at the beach but this year I stayed home.  I actually think that I learned that I like being home on holiday weekends.  I would rather just go away on regular weekends (and take a few days off work)! Minus the millions of bug bites and the lack of sleep, last weekend was one of the best girlie weekends I have had in a long time!

I saw some oldies but besties last weekend.  I have known these girls since Middle School.  I always feel so lucky to still keep in touch with such long time friends.  It is so fun to talk about the past, and catch up on what is going on in life now. 

This week flew by, I can't believe that it is already time for the weekend again,  but I am definitely not complaining ;-)

Here is a perfect summery song for a weekend of wine festivals, great friends, family time and sunny weather! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sunny and Breezy

Today is one of those days where I sit at my desk working, and all I want to do is be outside.  There is not a cloud in the sky, it's breezy and 83 degrees.  If I could work from outside I would be a much happier person.  Instead I am inside :-( And I am counting the minutes until 4 o'clock.  When do we stop wishing the weeks of work away to get to the weekend? Maybe if you are totally and completely in love with your job than you will.  Or maybe it is when you find your "career".  I don't think I even know what I want that to be yet.  Who knows, I might never know.

Things that I think I could do as a career:

Write...It's what I went to school for.  I just don't know what I would want to write about.

Something in the legal field.  I find it very interesting.  But it might be too cut throat for me. 

Government? Living in the DC area gives you lots of opportunities there.

Work with the elderly.  I love grandparents :-)

What I want to do as a career (I think):

Something in the Health field.  Dietician, Nutritionist, Counselor...Something along those lines. That still leaves a big blank canvas though. 

Until then I will punch away on a keyboard, and gaze out the window at the beautiful sun. 

I am looking forward to this...

Hopefully it is this beautiful on saturday as well!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Shame on Me

I have been a negligent blogger the last few days.  This past weekend I threw caution to the wind and became super lazy. No gym, no blogging.  I didn't even have enough energy to make my own side items for BBQ's.  Hummus and Pita was my go to.  I mean, I love hummus more than the average person but that is just lazy.

I played with these guys a lot this past weekend:

Jaksy-Poo and his brother Preston!

They are CRAZY together.  But they are so cute, how can you not just love them :-)

People have been complaining about how warm it is out, just like they complained about the cold in the winter.  Personally, I love the summer.  I love when it is hot and you have to wear summer dresses and you get a tan from just walking around outside.  Yes, the temperature spike this past week has been a tad ridiculous, but I'll take it.

This picture is also pretty cool because of my mileage 132132.  My poor car is getting a little old. 

Two other random things I am loving right now:

My beautiful surprise anniversary roses :-)

And...my new eco cup.  Perfect for iced coffee and smoothies.  Today my drink of choice was a peach/orange smoothie.   I love how smoothies last half of my 60+ minute ride to work. 

If you are off work today, enjoy the sun for me! I can't wait for another pool day in the near future!